Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We're Going Sizzla... Almost (And a reflection on American prayer.)

We had our hardest day in California two days ago. It was one of thse days where nothing would go right. From personal computer trials, to dealing with frusterating people at Kinkos, to not getting near as much done as we wanted. Fortunately we had a wonderful dinner at California Pizza Kitchen with some new friends Michael and Tina. They are from Oakland. Tina is gong to be beginning school here at Fuller and Michael is in buisness. We even managed to teach them Settlers of Catan! Woot woot. It was a nice way to finish off a diffficult day. Things went well yesterday... I had my first AND SECOND interviews over at California Pizza Kitchen. (I asked the manager on our way out the previous night if they were hiring becuase I had heard that they had amazing benefits.) Sure enough, working there part time gets Whitney and I health/detal/life insurance, stock options and 401k. Pretty unbelievable. Also, it is 3 blocks away, so I can walk there. I have my third and final interview today at 3 with the general manager. Hopefully they will let me work full time until classes start. That would be pretty amazing! Whitney also has an interview on Friday down in Venice beach teaching art at an urban renwal sort of place. It looks like a great opportunity. You can check out the website at She also has a bunch more resumes out, and plans on putting a bunch more out today. This is a crazy time of life. I feel like so much of our lives are spent trying to give ourselves more "control" over our environments. From the technology that we buy, to the relationships that we have, to our jobs, to decisions that we make every second. Maybe this is just me, but I have a suspicion that this would flow with many people's feelings. Back in Grand Rapids I feel like Whitney and I had naturally manipulated our environment to put much "control" in our lives. From finances to programs at church... Was it just a big control fest? I have recognized this as Whitney and I have been praying here in Pasadena. Praying is different here. Praying is different when you have so little "control" over your surroundings. WE NEED TO PRAY HERE. Now I know that a lot of you are thinking right now, well golly gee Nick, we always need to be praying. And that is fine. But today I feel like I have been given just a small glimpse of what it means for a brother with Aids in Africa to pray, or for a sister undergoing persecution in China to pray. Prayers are different in America, and I don't know if I am okay with that.


JBeck said...

The American Dream is to be comfortable and often times when we have control over our environments that makes things comfortable. I cannot imagine the difficulties you and Whittney are going through as you start this new chapter in your life. You went to Pasadena knowing that Nick was going to Seminary and praying that the rest would fall into place, that takes tremendous faith. I am excited to hear how God works through this as you learn what it means to pray with no control. We can pray real good when we have control, but praying without control can look a whole lot different.

Lindsay said...

Hey, I just spent a long time looking at all your blogs, and I'm soo happy to hear some updates and see some pictures. I miss you guys so much!

I definitely know what you're talking about "needing" to pray...a lot of times I find myself BEGGING God to show up in huge ways here. Also, just simply saying, "Jesus I need you right now." I RARELY did that in the States. Not having any control has definitely been one of the most frustrating things here in the DR, but also one of the best.

Just the fact that you are being doing what God called you to do leaves no room for any doubt that He'll take care of you. It sounds cheesy, but it's true. I love you guys...keep livin' life :).

Matthew said...

Nick and Whitney,

Good to keep updated with your life this way, and glad that God is teaching you much at this time. I am sure that you may have heard of Claiborne's book, Irrisistible Revolution, but that book strikes a chord for me in relation to what you are talking about, especially with our Westernized Christianity.

Anyway, Melissa and I will be praying for you both and you can check my blog for a few updates in our life as well.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on all the thoughts re: control and prayer. You nailed it, Warnes. (Warnes... [imagine me saying it in that certain way I always like to say it] ...just had to get that in there, for old times' sake) And I just wanted to add, the Venice Arts place looks AWESOME. Seriously. That would be a sweet place for Whitney to work. And Warnes, if you end up working at CPK, we will definitely be coming to visit sooner rather than later. As Chris would say, "That's some GOOD EATIN'!" Love you guys!