Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Visit to the Place We Dwell

Last Monday my parents arrived in Pasadena. We packed a ton of excitement into three days of spending time with one another. On Monday we went to In and Out and Whitney took them to Paseo Colorado while I was at class. On Tuesday, while my dad was doing buisness in LA, I took my mom to her first graduate class. She enjoyed the thinking and especially liked the professor. Tuesday afternoon, while Whitney was at work, I showed my parents around Old Town and as soon as Whitney got out of work we hopped on the train and headed down to Hollywood to see Jimmy Kimmel. TO make a long story short, they let 250 in to watch the show and we were numbers 251-254! It was so tragic that it was funny! So while we didn't end up getting in the show, we did have a fun time at Philipes and walking around Hollywood. Wednesday morning my dad and I teed off at 6:30 in the morning and while we froze our tails off during the first 9 holes, we thawed out in the back nine and had a great time. I cooked a big dinner on Wednesday night as we celebrated Whitney's birthday and then we sent my parents on their way on Thursday morning. It was short and sweet, but the conversations were wonderful and we got to give my parents at least a taste of the place in which we dwell.


Lindsay said...

estoy celosa! ya'll look great...i'm so glad you had such a good time. hopefully i can experience some of that this summer :). love and miss you, bro.

Duby said...

thought you would throughly enjoy this