Saturday, December 08, 2007


Another quarter at Fuller Seminary has passed. I wrote my last sentence, on my last paper, on Wednesday at 2 PM and smiled as I saved my last document on my hard drive. I have been reflecting upon where I was last year at this time, and I think that this Christmas break will be quite different. I could not wait to dig into winter classes and thus began working on a distance learning class to pass the time. This year, however, the last thing on my mind will be school. (Instead I plan on venturing into the mystery of building a bookshelf! With my lack of experience, it may just take me the whole of 30 days to complete!) As I move into my last year at Fuller, "senioritis" is officially kicking in. While I appreciate the opportunity to study at Fuller, and the process of learning in graduate school, I am getting antsy to pour back into a community of people on a full time vocational basis. After writing approximately 200 pages of Word documents this quarter, I anticipate leaving the computer to once again be with people. My computer and I have become awkwardly acquainted over the past year. We spend more time together than, well, I suppose I spend with anybody else. Strangely enough, my computer is always responsive to me and always warms up as I spend time with him/her. However, my relationship with my computer is awkwardly one way, and this is why I am ready to leave the plastic feel of the keyboard for the flesh and blood of real relationships. Let the countdown begin... 364 days until my last day in the classroom.

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