Friday, January 25, 2008

Apocalypse Now and "The 12"

Okay... So I have been a procrastinator when it comes to viewing old films... I have heard the phrase, "For every new book that one reads, one should read two classics." This makes sense to me on a literary level... But movies??? After watching 2001: Space Odyssey, and now having viewed Apocalypse Now last night... It may be true. What if we watched two classics for every new release that we watch? How would this change our lives? Maybe it comes down to this...

There were probably 12 movies this year that I watched that were paradigm altering in my life, and in the life of the communities that I participate within. There are probably about that many movies every year... Give or take a couple... That have the flesh and blood to change our lives. Now... I probably watched a movie every other night in 2007. That means that I watched probably 150 movies that were anywhere from entertaining, to thought provoking, to a waste of two hours of my life. What if instead of watching those 150 movies (that will never affect the way that I think/live), I would have instead participated within the 12 paradigm changing movies of 1954 or 1967 or 1978 or 1988 or 1994... I think that you get the idea. I wonder how our world would be different if we all focused on the 12 of years past, rather than wasting our time swimming on the latest 2 hour Michael Bay pile of ______? I bet things would change.

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