Golfing 36 holes at Lantana.
Spending quality time with family and friends in Texas.
Time to pray.
The Great Debaters. (Don't miss this film.)
The Rose Bowl Parade.
A Michigan victory over Florida.
Kinetic Christmas Party.
The 1st Annual Warnes Christgiving Party.
Spending quality time with Whitney.
Our next quarter at Fuller begins on Monday and the craziness will once again begin. Intensive Hebrew and a Media and Ministry class. Both should be intriguing. We will also be moving forward at GPC as I have decided to accept their invitation to stay at the church. It should be a fun ten weeks!
Great pictures. If you look closely at your Christmas party picture, you will see two funny things. One is Heppner talking (that is obvious), the other is that I am actually sleeping while talking with Sloan. That is funny also.
Hey Nick this is Mike Van Drie, I don't know if you remember me I was on Justin Beck's Wyldlife team. I just wanted to tell you that I just re-found the CD that you and Dawn had made. I want to thank you for making and recording that CD. It was and is a blessing in my life. I hope that all is going well.
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