Wednesday, March 14, 2007

While Biting My Face Off


Duby said...

wow, I didn't think this guy could get worse until he started talking about music.

Who in the world is this guy? (biting tongue) Grr...

I can't help but wonder what this guy would be saying if he lived in the time of Wesley, or how about Luther, or even Jesus.

(disclaimer - the only comparison I'm making between the above and the emerging church is the fact that they are/were a change from the current norm)

calebyoungblood said...

I kind of don't know how to respond to something such as what I just watched. So maybe I better bite my tongue. Except for wondering if Satanic beat/rhythm music is the same as that which David talked about in the Psalms. Tambourines made a beat right? Well, the man deserves to share his opinion.

BlueSkies said...

Who is this person? Perhaps he has not met McLaren, Ortberg, etc. who do know what it is to be disciples of the Way of Life our Lord Jesus brought to his followers. For one thing,along with respecting elders came wisdom and discernment that gave the ability to enact with others without judgement, thereby "teaching by example" what unconditional love, as provided thru Christs death on the cross, could do for this Kingdom on earth. May we all come to that understanding one day. GM

BlueSkies said...

Here is a little tidbit from a key player, Brian McLaren, in what the "YouTube" guy comdemned as the emerging church. On pg. 189 of a Generous Orthodoxy:
Calvin became a pastor at the age of eighteen and had written his first edition of the entire Institutes of the Christian Religion by the age of twenty-five.
How is that for "food for Thought? It sure behooves us to be aware and discerning, does it not? GM