Sunday, May 11, 2008

Shifting Ecclesial Leadership (Orthokrisis)

The bridge that has been missing in helping orthodoxy and orthopraxy to fall into balance for communities has been the missing emphasis upon orthokrisis. Orthokrisis means a right sense of “judgement”. For our context, the right sense of judgment will pertain to leadership reclaiming a proper balance of orthodoxy and orthopraxy through mission, as mission is a tangible reality that requires such a balance. After reading numerous authors reflecting upon ecclesiology within postmodernity, such as Bolger, Gibbs, VanHoozer, Newbigin, and Guder, I have learned that all of them have a strong focus upon mission and especially upon sending. Apostolos is the Greek word “to send”. The gift of apostleship is directly related with the verb to send. Within the different mini narratives of post modern North America , it will will be key for leaders to equip communities for sending. And this sending, as stated earlier, will require othrokrisis.
Newbigin reminds leaders of orthokrisis and therefore “of sending”, again, to remember the effects of modernity that still exists within our post modern culture.
“The missionary challenge of the church amidst a postmodern, post-Christian West is enormous. The church finds itself sharing the gospel with a culture that, on the one hand, is permeated by the heritage of the Enlightenment and modernity and, on the other hand, by postmodern nihilism and hopelessness.”

So as we send, we must remember that part of post modernity is modernity. Like a tile that is part of a mosaic, so is modernity within the context of post modernity. The heritage is long, and thick and still plays a role in the lives and systems that we participate within today.
Just as modernity is a tile on the mosaic of post modernity, so there are numerous other tiles needing redeeming power of God. This is where a good balance of orthodoxy and orthopraxy will be needed as we move deeper into the 21st century. Orthodoxy and orthopraxy will look different for each of these tiles, and therefore, leaders will have to equip the church with orthokrisis for engaging balance within different mini narratives. While each of these tiles have a story behind why they are a part of the post modern mosaic, not all of the tiles are complete in their story. Indeed, none of us have ever known such a time as this when so many of the stories of the people that surround us are void of the larger narrative of God’s redeeming love. The storylessness of this generation is our opportunity. Leaders must be wise in both knowing (orthodoxy) the different stories of the post modern mosaic and practicing (orthopraxy) within the mini narratives. Orthokrisis is most necessary to do this. A right sense of judgement will allow apostles to proclaim where the light of God is shining on tiles, and may discern and drive out darkness that keeps tiles from fully experiencing the light.

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