Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sola Scriptura

Piggy backing off of my previous post on VanHoozer's idea of creative fidelity, I thought that I might add to the conversation by connecting it to his quote on the reformers classic Sola Scriptura... VanHoozer writes...

"Sola Scriptura returns, then, not by positing the Bible as a textbook filled with propositional information but by viewing the Bible as a script that calls for faithful yet creative performance."

How can we continue to push away from this modern understanding of Scripture only as propositional truth, found in information posted within the text (otherwise known as the enlightenment textbook)? VanHoozer brings us along in this quote, calling us away from only practicing thought through the lens of Sola Scriptura, and more into action. And again, he calls us to creative fidelity within our action. Thus Sola Scriptura no longer means that absolute Truth in thought is ONLY found in the words of the Bible (the script), but is also connected to creative and faithful action from letting the Truth of the Word seep through our pores. While overall conservative in his approach, even writing upon the often left behind idea of Sola Scriptura, VanHoozer reconnects us with the past and pushes us into the present. A beautiful balance!

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