Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Greetings from a mountain... I think.

So Whitney and I have been on the road for approximately 41 hours. We have actually been driving for about 19 hours and that lands us right in the middle of Cheyenne, Wyoming. I think that we are up high, but I really am not sure, because the last 5 hours of driving last night were done in the dark. All I know is that this rental truck was in second gear at about 55 mph for the last two hours last night. (This is a loud and scary noise.) We were thinking that the camping thing might be worth giving a try, but late night driving has left us excited to stop at hotels. Traveling has been smooth with the exception of one flat tire. This was taken care of within an hour, and we were back on the road. Stopped in Iowa City on the first night after leaving at 5 PM on Sunday from the GRap. We were able to leave at 5 PM on Sunday because an army of people from Heritage and Young Life all came and moved our shtuff in a mere two hours out of our apartment. I plan on keeping this journal going for a while, so be sure to stop by every oncein a while. You might catch a story or two that makes you smile. Thanks for visiting, thanks for caring. PEACE.


BlueSkies said...

It will be such fun tracking you two. Really happy that all is well to date. Since we made this trek in 1985 we are particularly interested in your progress. Will keep you in our prayers and enjoy the blog. Love Gramma

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
