Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Biggest TV Event of the Decade

Last night was important. Was it going to be Jen or Sadie. Whitney and I could barely wait to feast our eyes on the ongoing saga of The Bachelor: Rome. Okay, maybe that is a little of an overexageration, but we did watch. There really isn't that much to learn from watching this show, but Whitney and I do get to laugh a lot with one another. By the way, for the 3 people in the world that care... Jen won. (Yes, she is the one who has the dad that is a freak!)

1 comment:

Justin and Dawn Beck said...

Thanks for positing about the Bachelor. I only watched a few but was rooting for Sadie. She was clearly the better of the 2. I was disappointed. Hope all is well out in the west. We are getting a HUGE winter storm tonight and tomorrow. They are predicting 14 inches....oh boy. Get your snow boots on. Let the snowmen and snow angels begin.