Monday, November 20, 2006


While I have had too much coffee this morning,,, (My fingers are finding themselves with their own will as I write) I have enjoyed the contemplation of the past, present and future of the morning. The past weekend was marvelous. While Michigan lost the big game, I was able to spend Saturday with some new friends on the golf course. There is something about the conversation and the action of a golf game that I find intoxicating. I also enjoyed a couple of nice meals with Whitney and wonderful/thought provoking conversations with her all weekend. From Jesus, to church, to family, to friends, to further discerning our calls in life, we dug deep into some new realities. Whitney continues to amaze me with her ability to articulate life in fresh and creative ways. We are also feeling settled at a local church. It is called Christian Assembly and we think that this will probably be our church family for the years to come in Pasadena. We are so excited to get plugged in and plan doing so in the near future. (You can check out their website at The contemplation of the present continues to revlove around the Gospels. I have been digging deep into Raymond Brown and his commentary on Matthew. The most poignent of his thoughts has revolved around Jesus leaveing the 99 to pursue the one. This is such a revolutionary action both in past time and our time today. Think corporate America, think leadership goals, think mega church models, think templates for growth and sustaining communities of people, think 80/20 principles... They all revolve around maintaining the 99 and not the one. my prayer this morning revloves around being a seeker of the one. (And I certianly have a long way to go to achieve this...) Finally, future contemplations are around the anticipation of teh future holiday. Whitney and I are excited to spend time with the Walker family as they have been gracious enough to fly to Los Angeles to spend Thanksgiving with us. We will be staying at a resort in San Diego for the holiday. We feel spoiled and we are thankful for the blessing of the coming retreat down south. We continue to appreciate all that happens out here in Pasadena. A church member from Heritage said that our experience out here would certainly be stimulating. She was correct!

1 comment:

calebyoungblood said...

Leaving the 99 for the 1 is such a foreign idea to me. It is a beautiful idea, but hard to imagine happening. Good stuff.