Saturday, October 07, 2006


It is one thing when the Red Wings win the Stanley Cup. (At least 4 people that I know notice.) IT is a step up when the Pistons won the championship. We all routed DE-TROIT BAS-KET-BALL. But there is something special about today. It is drastically hard to articulate. What is it about the tigers and about baseball that is so special? Is it just my own affinity for baseball? I don't think so. I think that baseball, in some mysterious way, goes deeper into the depth of life than any other sport. Maybe it is the 162 game schedule, maybe it is the timelessness of the game (there is no clock in baseball), maybe it is the thought that if the tigers can win; anything is possible, maybe it is the recall of baseball in my childhood, maybe it is the real realization that I will never again play the game that I love so much, maybe it has to do with living in Los Angeles, maybe it is the community that has formed this year around the tigers this year due to the 19 year drought from the playoffs, I really don't know. But the Tigers are in the bottom of the 8th right now and they are about to beat the Yankees. This is incredible to me right now. I have longed to watch the Tigers in the postseason. I do not remember ever seeing them in playoff action, and to watch them in the fall, with the crisp of autumn in the air is magical. (Munroe just made a diving catch.) Memories continue to move through my mind. Thornapple baseball, FHC, Grand Valley, being cut from the game, Woodchuck mixed with Guiness, Fillmore, the grizzel, and now watching my team on national TV in Pasadena. I guess that the beauty behind this game is found that my story intertwines in so many ways with the mega narrative of the Detroit Tigers. Post-modern writers write of the loss of mega narrative in our current culture as a destructive force that may eventually tear humanity apart. In this moment I can feel the ethos of this graniouse statement. The mega narrative of the Tigers is so important to me. (One more out to go.) How much more important then is the mega narrative of the story of my family. How much more, then, important is the mega narrative of my true family... the church. (Pasada just hit a home run to cut it to 8-3.) The mega narrative of the people whom God blesses. (Tigers in 4! Tigers in 4!) (Sorry to cut this short!) It is time to celebrate, the Tigers, baseball, life and the beauty of combining mega narratives!

Justin and Caleb... I can't wait to pay you for losing bets on the Tigers this year!!!


calebyoungblood said...

I echo your question: What is it about the Tigers? What a fun summer and FALL they are giving us!

Thanks for the post - I enjoyed reading it!

Michael said...

my friend, you were the first person I thought about you when I saw the tigers won. Your post is a great deptiction of what that really means for you. Brings up so much past, so much of who you are, such a part of your story. I celebrate with you in this piece of redemption, and as a brother in the greater narrative of life.

Duby said...

wow, you were the first person I thought of too. And strangely enough, I was thinking about the whole meta-narrative and sports that night as well, although it came about from the UofM, MSU game because I know some people who are professors at UofM and are way into thier athletic department.

Trying to avoid sounding like a comment whore, but I put a picture up a little while ago and I think you are the only one who can fully grasp the depth of it.

BlueSkies said...

We too watched, cheered wildly, and spoke of YOU. We too are so thrilled watching this team. What is this all about; ("maybe it is the real realization that I will never again play the game that I love so much"). We love you, and surely can understand, to some degree how this all "hit home".
God Bless GM