Saturday, October 14, 2006


Last night was Art Night in Pasadena. It is a biannual night that includes all of the "museum hopping" that one can handle. Pasadena rents a bunch of busses and puts them on a circuit around the city, stopping by all local museums. Restauaunts advertise a bunch of deals and the whole city gets involved. So we had dinner with some friends at Gordon Biersh (with our friends Jon and Taylor), a local brewery, and then hopped on the bus circuit (with our friends Charlie and Brooke). Charlie's dad is an elder at the church I used to work at in Hudsonville. (We have had some wonderful conversations regarding psychology. He is working toward his doctorate in psychology and he likes to mess with my mind!) We only went to two museums, but the last museum we went to was the world famous Norton Simon Museum located right here in Pasadena. Monet, Picasso, Vangogh, Rembrandt, you name it, we loved viewing the art of such famous artisits. And it finally rained! Well, it was more of a sprinkle, but water fell from the sky last night for the first time since we have lived in Los Angeles! It felt heavenly... Fuller is putting on a flea market this afternoon, watching the Tigers while studying between 1:30 and 4:30 and we will be barbequeing with some friends this evening. We feel blessed...


BlueSkies said...

This dear ones is the museum Neal and I were talking about. Isn't it fine? So happy you had this opportunity. Blessings GM

BlueSkies said...

Baack again, loved the shot of Whitney really inspecting the photograph!!!! luv again GM

Duby said...

that art museum is alot louder than I had expected.

History channel has a interesting show on right now called Exodus Decoded with Simcha Jacobovici talking about the plagues and the parting of the sea. The most interesting thing is his idea is the biblical dates most people have is wrong and with a date of 1500 BC theres tons of evidence for everything. Right now they are talking about how theres a huge stone tablet from the egyptians talking about the whole process from the emporers point of view, and how the red sea is a miss translation and it should actually be reed sea. Cool stuff if ya ask me. Thought you might want to know about it. I'm gonna try to catch some info on how to get a copy since I missed the first 20 minutes or so. If interested in seeing it, give me a holla.

longest comment ever!

Duby said...

now extending the longest comment ever. If this guy is right, he found Mt Sainai and a carving of the arch of the covenant. Blown away.

BlueSkies said...

I am back yet again. We too watch the History Channel. Well done and quite beleivable. Dating has always been less significant than the message so lets see where this study goes. GM

Anonymous said...

Hey nick! just discovered your blog after looking at lindsays. i miss you guys a ton but really enjoy reading your blog. thanks for taking the time to keep us all up-to-date on your life in pasadena. you're the best!