Monday, October 23, 2006

A Special Weekend

This weekend was special. It isn't too often that I enter into a weekend knowing that I will remember what is about to happen for the rest of eternity. This weekend, however, matched that high context.
To make a long story short, Justin sarcastically (I think) asked me if I was going to come to Michigan for a world series game. I laughed and then the thought crossed my mind that this was actually a possibility. So I worked at getting tickets online all week while my dad worked on using some frequent flyer miles to get me to the M I. So at 12:30 AM on Friday morning I hopped on a plane out of LAX and headed for the GRap. I arrived at nine in the morning and had fun on Friday on Saturday surprising friends and family. We watched the U of M game on Saturday afternoon and then watched teh Tigers on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning I surprised my grandma at breakfast (her face was priceless) and then my dad and I headed east to Detroit. The atmosphere was electric. Indescribale. I often just closed my eyes in thankfulness for the eternal moments. Check out the pics and the videos from the game.

7th Inning Stretch

One too Many!

The Last Out


Matthew said...

incredible Nick. I am so glad that you were able to go home and visit and then see a World Series game...that is awesome.

Lindsay said...

though I'm a little jealous, i'm so happy you got to go home...i know it was so good for you and dad to do that. thanks for calling me, it's always great catching up with you...just wish i could've been there with ya'll!
love you!