Sunday, September 24, 2006


We certainly have a lot of catching up to do. I think that I will take my time…

Early last week we had a wonderful time with Mary. We showed her around town (Hollywood, Old Pass, Dodger Stadium, and all over Pasadena) and had a blast sharing our new home with her. We shared stories and laughed a lot. We always look forward to spending time with Mary… she is a marvelous person.

Mary left on Wednesday and I went on the job hunt. I have out a bunch of resumes and have an interview tomorrow at a local business that tutors students. It could be a good fit… We will see. I also have out 4 resumes at Fuller and a couple more at local restaurants.

Classes start tomorrow. It has been a bit strange getting used to life out here in LA without going to class… We are out here for school and it will be good to dig deeper into the purpose for which we are here.

To the weekend! Whitney and I decided to go on a bit of an adventure. We headed 5 and a half hours north to Pebble Beach to spend time with my Grandmother and Grandfather. We randomly called them on Friday afternoon and they were nice enough to open their home to us over the weekend. We arrived around 11:30 on Friday evening and stayed up until 1:30 catching up. We were up and to the Monterey Bay Aquarium by 11:00 and enjoyed walking through the famous landmark. We then went on a tour of local flavor. We munched on some seafood appetizers at a small restaurant out on a pier and then headed over to Spanish Bay. We enjoyed some drinks and some wonderful conversation while overlooking the ocean and golf course and listening to a bagpiper do his daily walk around the course. What a beautiful moment. Check out the clip…

We finished with a charming dinner at a local Italian joint in Carmel. If you ever get a chance to go to the Monterey Peninsula, Whitney and I would highly recommend it. It is especially interesting to tour with Grandma and Neal as they are local experts on the history.

Whitney and I said our goodbyes before Grandma and Neal left for church. We hopped in the car and had breakfast at Al Fornio in Carmel (Whitney’s favorite coffee shop in the world). We shopped around and left Carmel by noon to make it back home by 6 for a community dinner.

I reflected on fear this weekend. Especially regarding the fear of God. Maybe our fear of God is bigger than fearing him because he is “in control” as I have been told time and time again in my life. (We need to fear the mighty smiter before he smites us into the deepest levels of pits of the present hell on earth!) Maybe we are called to fear God because we are a fearful people and maybe our fear goes deeper than the obvious. Maybe we are called to fear God because we struggle to be known. In the depths of our heart we cry to be known, yet so many of us don’t dwell in the depths but rather on the surface. Maybe God knew that we would mostly dwell on the surface, and therefore call us to fear him, knowing that we know that He knows us better than we know ourselves. If that didn’t make sense… Maybe part of fearing God includes knowing that He knows us and that we fear being known.


BlueSkies said...

To fear God has always meant, to me, to realize His immensity, His all powerful, all knowing character
I revere that character beyond words and know that He knows that I fail many times to express my gratitude for His works but that my heart is ALWAYS full of joy for what he has done@!!! Including by the way, giving us wonderful children and grandchildren. Reverence is the name of fear.
God Bless.....GM

Duby said...

I thought of you today when I saw the tigers on the news. And I revived myt blogger account, and theres an old photoshop creation that I think you will enjoy, and there shall be another picture up soon that you will be able to appreciate.